Worry Doc Says: In the story called "Late Night" Lizzy's parents go out for the night and leave her at home with Nanny and Scorn Boy.But when it gets late and her parents still haven't returned Lizzy worries that something may have happened to them. She feels alone and abandoned.


Blue Notebook kid, Eddie says:
My best friend has a new friend and I feel abandoned.

Jane, from the Blue Notebook Club, says:
"Abandoned" is when you feel deserted -- left all alone.


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(Newest Responses are at the top)

Response by: Little Girl Blue
Date posted: September 24 13:39:36 1998
Topic: Abandoned
Response #15
Response: When I was little my parents went on vacation one Christmas and left me and my brother with our Aunt and Uncle. Now any time someone is going away during a holiday, It still makes me feel like I did when my parents left.